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This was awesome!!! ... and scary... but much more awesome than scary (⊙o⊙)


this is probably the BEST visual novel!
the mix of horror, dystopian world and nsfw is a chef kiss! 
when its done, i would not be suprised if it becomes the holy bible of nsfw furry visual novel like adastra
Adastra MIGHT have competition too!
well, competition....more like a little brother

More of an 'Echo' if that little *ahem* Glitch, is anything to go on. ;)


I cant! i have became too connected to the characters! i love this, it is such a good consept and such a fantastic story! i am looking foward for the next update!


I want more, I need more.



(1 edit) (+7)

need more loken fuuuuuuuug I can't wait for another update.


Yes, me too!!


disgustingly well written


I just had to comment on this game.

All I can say is that I was so invested in the story, NO JOKE. It's so well written, especially each character we meet. They all had their own quirks and it's so nice to see it being jabbed into an interaction. Like Loken's "Explain." or "You are small." They all have something distinct about them which makes them so unique and memorable, you actually end up caring about them as the story progresses. Alex and Loken supremacy fr! Their banters and interactions are so funny and also tugs on your heart strings. The other characters in the story were memorable to and I grew to love them more. Like IM A SUCKER FOR FOUND FAMILY. This is exactly why I ate this story up.

This is also one of the really well made games using Ren'py. The UI is so cool and the background art is well made, it really captures the environment of IIlayla, I'm glad the devs didn't decide to use the same background over and over again when it comes to areas like the blackzones because personally it's very off putting and i can't get into a story like that. So this game did it well. Also the sprites are beautiful, kudos to the artist i really like how they were drawn, comparing to other games with andromorphic characters, they look weird because the humanize their limbs to much and end up giving them human hands and feet. This art style is a good example of how i picture them to look like, kudos because Loken is HOT.  The visual affects and audio were the cherry on top since the soundtracks queued on time and made the story more engrossing. Lived up to being an audio experience :]

One of my current favourite VNs by far. I'm invested. Keep it up devs! Can't wait for more!


Holy shit this VN is amazing. Love the worldbuilding, the story, the characters, everything!


Does anyone else hope a path of violence is to come, or is it only me.

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Something more exciting would be fun :3


Some fighting would be sick where we really use skill.


Love the story and all the characters! The lore in very interesting, can't wait for more!

is there an answer sheet or like a list about the result of our decisions?

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I've never read cosmic horror before, but this was absolutely chilling and all the characters were so well written and... designed. Absolute banger

(1 edit) (+4)

Really well written, very interesting, very scary,  immersing and captivating lore and big buff man. 10/10 thank u for making this <3


big boob buff man titties man titties yes pls. 


I...NEED to let everyone know this amazing VN, I haven't read this good since Echo, I suddenly want to make fanart now, that's how amazing it is!


Genuinely one of the Best VNs ive read. The art is beautiful and the story is complex and interesting! I get chills reading it. Im also loving Alex's response to his feelings towards Loken! Keep it up!!!!


One of the best Visual Novels I've read! It felt like I was living the experience. Can't wait for the next update!

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Can't wait!

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Clean my memory please I want that experience again.


Thank you Ryuo end everyone envolved for delivering such an awesome vn to us! I cannot imagine the ammount of time and effort you've put into this but it turned out great in the end.



when glitch was tormenting Alex and every one was with him alex said he has to stop the Assention, that when Kaius reacted by "what did he just say!" so i think this isn't the first time kaius hear this and i think he heard it from Alerra. So my theory is When a demon try to Assend through a bibed (which they aren't supposed to do) that bibed become an informed and they lose Thier mind because of it, and in Alerra's case the demon was the closest to Assention and Aleera was fighting him but it was a battle neither one can win (because demons can't Assend through a bibed and a bibed cannot win mentally against a demon even Alex couldn't do alone) so they remain stuck like that, so Aleera wasn't just rambling she was fighting the tormenting she has to endure for 3 nights until she is put down, kaius believe in her but she couldn't win, so when Alex said the same thing as Aleera, kaius knew he was fighting and believed in him so that he guarded the outside of loken's home and he saved Alex from going to the blackzones and so unknowingly saved everyone.

In the end this is just a theory and my thoughts in the heat of the moment.

Be kind to each other. 


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these comments are making me terrified to play but i'm going to play it anyway so wish me luck


Good luck ^_^


Holy SHIT! This was a fucking ride! And I want more! Easily one of the best VNs I've read! Ever!


The possession sent me on a ride of emotions no other VN has ever sent me on. The fear, the dread and the relief at the end I experienced it all as though I was actually in Alex' body.

I've never encountered a VN that made me feel dread this much. Sadness? Sure. Did other VNs made me cry? Yes. Did they spook me? Also yes. But they never made me actually feel dread.

Also I had to throw all my theories I had into the trash.


godddddd this is such a masterpiece love the story i cant wait for the next chapter i wanna see there reaction or what they say when the mc tells them




I'm completely and utterly baffled about how good this is. The bar has been raised and I'm so invested now T_T


I will never be able to play another vn after this.


Happy One Year Anniversary, thank you Ryuo for making such a fantastic game. 


This is pretty excellent. Really well done concept and execution, especially compared to most others of its kind; one of the best VNs on this site.

(6 edits) (+6)

My first comment literally ever (had to make an account for this) but I feel like this VN truly deserves a 10000/10 rating. This is genuinely such a masterpiece of a VN, once I started, I genuinely couldn't stop (literally played from 9pm-5am and then finished the game playing for another 4 hours as soon as I woke up) The emotional rollercoasters, the last day of build 5, HOLY I was sitting there going through so many emotions when playing it was actually insane. I felt so invested in the story it was craaazy. I love how the story has progressed and I can't wait for the next build and to see Loken again. The spicy scenes (HOLY), the teasing, flirting (I love Loken sm), character development... literally everything about Soulcreek is so amazing. I love how the story has progressed and I can't wait for the next build and to see Loken again.

(2 edits) (+10)

I'm supposed to play another VN after this. How the heck am I supposed to do that? This was one of the biggest emotional trips I've ever been on, and I am going to need a long time to recover. It was just amazing.


This is an absolute masterpiece of an update. I wasn't expecting to get so much of the protag's backstory and it was a real gut punch. And it added even more layers of mystery... I wasn't expecting the story to take this turn, and I'm so pleased with how everything resolved so far. So eager for the next chapter!


Awesome rewrite of the intro~ ^^_ the transition through not just the scene, but the mental process is very well done n__n xou've taken a normal: "bipeds-in-a-human-world" esekai and turned Soulcreek into its own universe by making the MC feel so disconnected :) that small change in tone will definitely help immerse readers from the get go UwU

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Ryuo are you like..... GOD or something ?

Because reading this update (and reading the whole VN again) had my brain turn into mush... but in a very good way !

The story is just GOD-LEVEL and no one has a right to say otherwise !
I was afraid the end of the update was gonna be when Alex got "possessed" and was heading out of Loken's home but thank god that wasn't the case... i would have broke if it was....
And uh.... i kinda wanna know what happended with Kaius because when Alex woke up he was in Loken's embrace, not outside, so was it real or just Alex' immagination ? Did he really got out at one point ? If so then i guess Kaius is gonna be the answer.... if he's still alive... i really hope he's still alive i don't want to think of the alternative... but i guess with the weak state Alex was in he had no chance of beating Kaius..... i really really hope so...
And Byte..... oooooh Byte ! So many questions about him ! More so then ever before ! If he's one of these "entities" then when did he enter Alex' body ? how did it happen ? Why is he acting different from Glitch ? HOW FCKING POWERFULL IS HE TO LITTERALLY EVAPORATE ANOTHER DEMON (from inside Alex' head) ???? And so many more questions about him...
Altho there is still the mistery of this Wyatt guy so i guess we'll know more about him in future updates. Was he an ally ? An enemy ? If he healed Alex it must have been for something, either get what Glitch wanted or something else entirely...
There is one thing i'm dreading for the most, and it's what Glitch said before he was gone : "You're going to be beautiful".... i don't know what to think of it but i'm afraid for Alex now...

Aaaah i could rant about this for hours but i'll stop, so i don't write a book about how amazing this VN is.


I do have a theory!!! I think it's the pod!... If it was created in the technology boom, it would mean it would have had one of the entities within it! Byte! Maybe he was extracted put into the pod and imediteally tested on with the... Well, Burnt to a crisp body of our protag Alex! I still don't fully understand how the entities function, but I do think it would still make sense... Since Byte seems kinda of in denial about his whole identity by the end... Maybe it truly never crossed his mind that he was just like the full called "demons" in his core foundation, he did think they where the same as in being both AI, but just that... Operating in Alex while also tricking himself into believing he was an AI... I mean, Glitch even called him naive.

This was written late at night and might be a bit of nonsensical rumbling I just need to write my thoughts down hope they make sense...

They do make sense, and i remember all the chemicals Byte identified around the pod and said it was for severe burns, so maybe a combination of this and Byte's ability to heal and maintain Alex' body for who knows how long.... witch mean Alex might be like 1000 years old lol !

As for Byte's origin and identity, i think i remember that Glitch said they were "created" in this world by the humans with the code they "heard" from Soulcreek and put into machines (that would explain the Epoch of Technology). But if Byte was put into Alex during his early state of recovery int he pod, where was he before that ? Was he even concious he was in a machine before being into Alex ? Because he doesn't seem to remember that, just like he wasn't even aware he blocked Alex' memory of pain and suffering from him. Glitch seemed to be aware he was in a machine because all he waned was to "Ascend" in a human body so maybe Byte really IS different from the other "Demons". He may be in denial because he comes from the same place as them but he's not really the same as them (if that make sense). He's gonna be in a "slef discovery" state from now on i think.


The latest build made me sleepless so many night. The story made me worried about the bad end. But I still hope it will become the happy ending.


After playing Build 5, the only thing I want is a happy ending for them ;-;

Please promise us they'll be alright . . .

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This update was lit 🔥🔥🔥


"The human is at home..."

God, this sentence sends shivers up my spine. And the sound of the mc screaming? Terrifying asf


Oh my blood god! This build is amazing!!! The suspension of the Blackzones and the realization of our MC's unknown past was astonishingly good. And the art, the music and the lore!? I'm screaming shenanigans here!


And Byte! Oh you son of a beautiful bastard! Is the bestest best friend ever! ( >•_•)>


This newest build was honestly amazing. The suspense and realization of what happens and how the story took a turn wasn't something i was prepared for. If i could give it more than 5 stars i would.

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This was an amazing first arc, I absolutely loved the story and the character progression! The music and scenery made an excellent addition to the story and never felt out of place. I cannot wait to find out what happens next!

Spoiler but hella vague lol

I had a question tho that's super spoiler possibly, but if he never left the shack doesn't that mean none of "that" happened?

Uuuh its so vague i dont even know what u mean lol

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Yeah, sorry I posted the second I got done so it was fresh.

so near the very end of the arc after the "incident" the MC asks Loken about Kaius and when he went outside, Loken proceeds to tell MC that he never left. So this leave me with a few theories. A. It was a fever dream about Kaius. (Which would be the easiest answer), B. The scenario was produced by "Glitch" and never happened. (Also good shot there's a dead Kaius outside), C. The MC could have just imagined "leaving the shack scenario". (which would be similar to a fever dream but maybe fits better)or D. Nothing's changed and Glitch is still in control.

Oh yeah. Well, to be honest I just thought Kaius just "saved" him and just didnt tell Loken. But i guess a dead Kaius outside would be more interesting yeah...


I might be reading too far into it, but to me that's a massive cliffhanger... possibly...dunno if it was intentional or not or if it is just as it's written. Probably have clarity by the next build to know. I'm excited to see what happens.

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