A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Welcome to Illayla; one thousand years after the collapse of contemporary society. 

What happened? No one remembers. 

The human race? Gone.

Centuries later, the last surviving human is found with no memory, no past and a sprightly AI in his head that doesn't know the difference between humans and computers.

This post-apocalyptic future consist of sparse, primitive tribes that cling to scavenged remnants of revered technology. Their lives are made hazardous by the lethal Blackzones; swathes of abandoned, bountiful lands that are infested with ominous machine-creatures called ‘Demons’. Only the illusive Blackrunners, a sect of deft survivalists, know how to navigate the Blackzones and plunder them for precious Salvage in the name of their clan’s prosperity.

Together with the temperamental husky Loken, the last human must train to become the newest Blackrunner and discover the mysteries of the Blackzones, the incomprehensible creatures stalking them and the contentious question of his own origin.

Story and Code by Ryuo

Character sprites and CGs by Danielleclaire

Additional CGs by SidmonTheBear

Edited by Sam

This is a sci-fi/romance FVN intended to be released in instalments. It features a human male protagonist with a changeable name and a single m/m love interest. Choices may alter dialogue or relationship dynamics, but are mostly used for roleplaying purposes and have no major consequential effects on the story. There will be a single ending.

Soulcreek is a cosmic horror tale at its core, but also features comedy, drama and explicit romance. The story is a slow burn, so don't expect intense horror from the start.

There's no update schedule for the project as this is entirely a non-commercial passion project, however I will aim for an update every three months! If you wish to follow the development of project or get in touch with me, the best way is on twitter

You can also join the discord server here!

If you want to support the development of Soulcreek, you can donate to the project using the KoFi link below! All donations will go directly to funding art assets, licencing better backgrounds and sounds or hiring additional support to improve the presentation of the story. Thank you!

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com

Updated 14 hours ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(1,028 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Made withRen'Py
TagsBara, Erotic, Furry, Gay, Horror, LGBT, NSFW, Post-apocalyptic, Sci-fi
Average sessionAbout an hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


The Whispers of Carmine.pdf 452 kB
Soulcreek-0.8-pc.zip 402 MB
Soulcreek-0.8-android.apk 387 MB
Soulcreek-0.8-mac.zip 365 MB

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FFFF That soundtrack is dope

Damn! Build 8 was fantastic! I can't wait for what you have in store for us.

Hahahahahaha! I am so satisfied and excited! Finished the latest chapter and it was awesome! The plot thickens every time! I can't wait for the next chapter again, not after that!


Is it out yet?

Just need to wait for 4 hours before it reaches 6PM BST. I can't wait! Ahhh! Eat my soul before I die from waiting!

Wait, 6PM? Crap. I thought it was 6AM. Time zones, man...


My friend recommended this game and it's really nic I have to say not a fan of the creepy noises but I like relaxing reading everything while watching true crime really sets the mood lol, it's a great read and even better high, I can't stop laughing in the best way possible the honey badger is my favorite so far!!!


- There will be fucking SPOILERS and a little bit of opinion about the game.

- This pathetic empty-headed chewing toy for hounds, I swear to God, I wanted to personally strangle him a thousand and one times, not only does he contradict himself in search of his own, but after learning the truth about who he is and what happened to him, he is like «fuck people, I'll go fuck dogs» the most pathetic crybaby narcissus who starts to get hysterical only raise your noice at him Loken is really a degenerate once he fell in love with him because if I were on his mesa, I'd wring his neck!

- Glitch is the best character of all! He was TOO good for this whole world of fucking idiots, so he didn't really resist at the time of his death. Respect to Glitch! 

- Rest in peace, buddy..


ive been sleeping on this game for years and now that ive started it im enthralled


Dont mind me, just saying stuff thats totally spoilers and praising the game, dont read this new person, it may spoil the surprise :)

 May I just say? whenever there is an encounter with one of those demons, there is something... weirdly familiar about them? I think they personally remind me of Giygas from earth bound, very strong, but barely sentient beings of pure rage and pain, contorted and absolutely fucked up. Love it, perfect amount of messed up. also I totally have a gut feeling what our personally little head buddy is... keeps us safe, and is unlike the demons... almost like a...

                                  Guardian angel???

Anyway, absolutely loved this, perfect amount of unease from the audio samples used. Also weird that blackrunners seem to have had human traits that make them stand out, like human eyes, or hair... or even remembering things that they shouldn't hmmmmmm I like where this is going... Pray, keep up the outstanding work! 

Very good work 👍

Good character !

(Especially the Hound!)

Nice idea of the audio effects !

Excellent atmosphere !

Mc is likable and we'll written.

(In my opinion some times mc is a bit...but from the other hand I don't know what would I do if I would be in his shoes ,just some time it feels a bit forced to drive the story further but still I like him a lot.)

I really like your work and I'm waiting in anticipation for new updates!


I'll be honest. I don't do very well with horror, especially of the eldritch and cosmic varieties. It's one of those things for me. So I might get my own visit from Glitch tonight. But also - I took a chance on this story, and it was worth the risk. The horror wasn't too strong or intrusive, it built up naturally, and it was, well, good. The story flows incredibly well, and I'm frankly inspired by what you've done here. Nothing was out of place. And, well. I might not make it to the end of this ride, for my own sake - but I'm very eager to see where it goes.


Loken is autistic and I will die on that hill and rise as a lich

I think all the Blackrunners are in some way. Mylo has this 'super-genius' talent, and he doesn't understand the purpose of hierarchies, which is a common trait you can see in autistic kids. Blackrunners have their mutations, the things that mark them as different as children... until they grow up. Like how an autistic person might learn to mask it when they get older. And apparently they usually excel in one of the Four over the others.

Nitro admittedly doesn't quite fit into the theory for me but also him having ESP - having psychometry - certainly is something different.

(1 edit) (+1)

I started the game and I'll tell you what - it's just a masterpiece. The beginning was not bad, and then - just incredible! The moment of meeting with you-will-find-out will give you goosebumps. What can I say about the characters: most of them are extremely interesting, as is the setting. Aeyon and Takhi are my favorites (of the minor ones, of course, Loken is forever in my heart). And as it turned out, playing the "apeshit" rout (despise, fight, stand your ground) was funny and surprisingly good. I wish the author or authors good luck in continuing their work and hope they will be fine!
P.S. I forgot about the Byte. The favorite trope of the AI character. His presence is comforting T_T.


this game will mess you up real bad in many ways


a very interesting and well-done take on cosmic horror as well, with some really immersive writing. sounds are great too

loken is a good hound :)

Yeah I can't give enough complements and praise on the immersion and story and the everything in this game. So we'll done.👌👌


I truly love this game, and this story is captivating. I cant wait to see more! I'm hooked.

If Loken is around 8 feet tall, how much does he weigh? I think he may weigh 500 pounds?

How do i read the whisper of carmine?

(1 edit)

You download it from the main page above the VN files. It's a PDF file.

Thank you!!


Just finished the current build. Absolutely amazing job. I can tell you put a lot of work into this. It's very polished. The story and characters are interesting and engaging. Can't wait for more. 


I have finished the current build and i must say this is was an FASNTASTIC experience. I'll go ahead and list things i have loved as well as somethings i thinks that could be worked on:


The characters are all very engaging and none of them felt boring or out of place, it truly feels like the creator took time with the connections between characters and their Backstories. I also love that Loken has signs of being on the spectrum, i found him to be such a conforting character and i really well writen one. The MC is also such a fascinating thing and the main driving mystery.


I actually REALLY love how quiet this VN is. I love the use of ambient sounds instead of constant soundtracks, i think it really helps build tension and gives you that feeling of emptiness of the world, it also makes moments where there are ACTUAL soundtracks playing feel much more impactful. I also LOOOOVE the sounds that were used with the demons, truly horrofying sounds.


I like the themes of humanity and the meaning of "being human" in the story. We get a lot of those moments with BYTE and even with other characters, as the MC doesnt time to realise just how "human" everyone else actually is, making him feel alone in this world. I like the philosophical debates that happen with BYTE alot as well such as question the nature of what it means to be truly alive. I ALSO love that the sexual content is not too intrusive and actually has relevance in the story.


I absolytely LOVE the artstyle and how it feels like we are looking and an oiled painting, at some moments it reminded me of DARKWOOD, specially inside the blackzones.


Honestly, there aren't many negative things to say about this VN, but i will say that i wish to see more use of CGs and-or ilustrative artwork of crucial moments. I feel like moments like when Loken was telling the story of the badger of carmine there could be a simple, not so explicit CG showing us the POV of Tahki or perhaps just showing a small snipet of it; At the same time i get it that the UNKOWN plays a huge part in creating tension and fear unto the player and i personally think the decision to not show much is FANTASTIC, but perhaps in the future there could be a biiiiit more MINIMALISTIC  CGs, nothing too telling. 

ANYWAYS, this VN is fantastic and honestly one of the best experiences i've had reading a furry VN, i wish only the best for all of those involved in creating this project.

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Ahhh nice to see another fan of Darkwood, truly underrated game! And yeah when i first saw the first blackzone all i could think of was that game, WHICH IS A HUGE COMPLIMENT.

Hello just asking so this novel release build every 3 months? 


I want to slap the MC sometimes. But I guess if he didn't do dumb ish, the story couldn't advance. Seriously, great story.


Loken is precious. Great VN! I love it!

(1 edit) (+1)

i can't believe myself to cry on some vn game , great work👍🏻 when he broke the algorithm, that damn thing.😢😣


I have never been interested in visual novels before. I found them boring and uninteresting. Not all of them, but most of what I had downloaded. Not this. 

This is far - no, beyond my expectations. I anticipated a story that would just be sex all round, but no, THIS is better than that. It's more than that. It's a story that not everyone might comprehend but I did. It's not just a plot, it's a whole different world. And I love it. 

The characters have their own sets of personalities, each distinct with the other's. It's interesting, If you dig deeper. I have never been this invested in a game before, I have been captivated. This is what I want. I didn't even realize that I had been playing for 16 hours and 47 minutes.

It's more than my mind can properly wrap around in. It brought me to a different realm that bore fear, uncertainty, anticipation, and fury into my soul. Therefore, I shall wait for the new update. Not patiently, but I will wait. Thank you to the developers.


I've made it a routine to read this for an hour before bed so I was disappointed to learn 10min into tonight's session that I caught up! Im super invested in this story and can't wait for further builds


Just finished what is currently there... And wow! I was worried when I got to the end of act 1 because it felt like it was finishing, glad it has an act 2.

This made me cry... The part before the second dish, Tabi. Very good.

How I wish Alex would tell Byte and Loken about stuff though... Something is gonna go wrong because of him keeping secrets, hoping it won't burn any bridges.

But also the way Alex acts is very human with everything that happened, so while I wish he would share stuff; I understand why he struggles to.

However I do have a question, I don't know if I missed stuff or misinterpreted it?
The Blackzones instil a constant Flight or Fight in anyone who doesn't have vigour or unattuned vigour. However there have been multiple examples of people without vigour just not being in that state? Not noticing they are in a blackzone? Like the people of Carmine(Oxtail?) building within one and not noticing. As well as mentions of travellers accidently going into one and dying because they didn't know. And Loken saying he struggles to tell where borders are sometimes because of weak wit? 

I guess it could be that the borders have a much weaker psychic effect unless people have Wit? But I feel like people would notice if everyone in their group was feeling even a little anxious all at once. 

If anyone knows or interpreted stuff differently then let me know. 

Unrelated, Miya has human hair mutation! 0 Wit because of her getting scammed with a bit of trash though... And Takhi sort of has human hair too... She has like long dreads which were more noticeable in the fighting CG, I guess maybe you could make long dreads out of fur but badgers don't have really long fur...


just finished act 2. Damn, well done!

I can't wait for the next update, I need to know what happens next.


Just finished reading this a couple of days ago and I’m sooooo excited for the next update this VN is one of the best that I’ve read, even made me cry when that one scene after Devil’s Crag (no spoilers) when they were sitting by the fire at the plane and everytime Loken feels insecure abt their relationship after that made me tear up. I absolutely love love love this story if anyone reading this is think abt downloading and reading this vn I HIGHLY recommend it. Good work guys cannot wait for the next update.


This vn I can proudly say is my favorite ever, the way each event had just as much importance as the main story line, the romance dancing beautifully with the horror, and the world building alone is enough to be highly impressive. The new short story really added depth to it all I highly recommend reading it after you've gone through the main story!

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Usually Im not the biggest fan of sci-fi or horror, but this story it's just so well written and somehow you were able to balance the more terror filled part with romance in such a unique and beautiful way that I couldn't help but absolute love it, really amazing! -Spoiler-

the only thing I can say that maybe coud've improved a tiny bit (in my opinion, of course) it's the day were they finally get together, as someone that it's more in it for the couple and romance, I don't know, it was such a build up and when they are finally doing it, it felt a little bit lackluster, the indulgence was more hot and like the name, really did indulge us a little bit more thant the actual sex, that for me sounded a little bit shorter, I was ready to see the wolf being more dominant and it just felt kind rushed, maybe it's because you were not really trying to make a full sex scene since you said in some devlog that you were cutting down a little bit of the horny in the beging I don't know, but anyway, the game is yours and the vision for it too, and this is only my opinion, maybe the other disagree but I just felt like saying cuz I really do love your game and the way you do things, hope Im not sounding condescending or demanding, hope you are well and can't wait to read the new short story <3 (and sorry for any misspelling english it's not my 1 language)


This is my favourite horror story ever, just the right type of unknown horrors that are exciting!! I would be obsessed with the blackzones like mylo totally, I love the flavour of some long buried knowledge and incomprehensible entities of questionable origins, the supernatural was incorporated beautifully! A very well-balanced story, can't wait for more of it. 


I just finished what the game currently has to offer and I'm super excited for the next update (whenever that may be!!)


So far it's hands down the best VN I've ever read. The story is great, and it's made extraordinarily well! I'm not even upset that the updates are so sparse, because they actually have something to show for it.


I'm honestly in love with this whole story. The way the bond between them grew to be, the whole suspense around past and eventual future...

I don't know why but I feel somewhat nervous about a possible not very good ending.... The whole Soulcreek was the beginning of all and will be probably it's ending it's a bit scary regarding the MC...

I hope I'm wrong, because otherwise, I'll get a bunch of people and drag you to prison for life. 

Don't you dare splitting them!!!  

(Making a bunch of scary faces as I'm writing this)


Probably the best Furry novels I ever read Characters might be uhh not the great but i don't really care i Start to get used to it to the point I don't even care anymore lol and on top of that EVERYTHING IS SO GOOD really got my skin all stand lmao cus of the Sound and other stuff (i fall inlove on Nitro) overall 10/10 🗣️🗣️❗❗🔥


one of the best damn novels ever.. the preview of alex's bossfight music.. PLEASE TELL ME THE NAME!!!


I have to say: I downloaded this and read the whole thing (up to day 9) in 3 days. This is such a captivating story; I literally sat and read it for hours upon hours as I got home from work each day, and never grew bored of it. The characters are all so unique and likeable, even the "bad" ones like a certain tiger chieftain. I cannot wait to see where this story goes.

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