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dude you are just cranking out one of the best VNs I have ever played, for free, keep up the great work

This is just so SO good. The characters, the story, the humor. No idea how far I am in the storyline, but I am completely hooked. A definite page turner clicker.


This story, the characters, everything. I love this so so so much and I can hardly contain myself over where the story goes from here. I am hooked and I have loved every second of this VN. Thank you so much for such an amazing experience


If this ends on a bad way I will kms


- That's how this novel ends.




Spoilers : 












This VN asked a very good question....

1) Would you try forgetting your past, your family, and your loved ones to assimilate and live in the present, with the companionship of the very same creatures (bipedals) who killed your species and brought upon a war ?


2) Would you rekindle the hate, the pain and the suffering that your species had to endure by the bipedals....forcing you down the path of revenge and power ?

...Jesus Christ what a conundrum


After making it to the recent update with my friend arden on stream,  I am mesmerized by the writing. It takes good writing for me to hate a character due to their actions in story. I love where this story is going and i cant wait to see where it will lead us. I shall read the lore dive soon excited to see what the past has to add to the main story.


I just made an account to comment on this game. Even if I'm not gay myself this VN is a fucking treasure. I think I'm halfway through it. The storytelling is excellent. You're a fucking genius.


Ive read many a gay vn, and i can say that yhis is my favorite one. The writing, the worldbuilding, the character design, its all a ten. Honestly the only criticism i have is not enough use of automonks but i have a suspicion they will be more important.

Absolutely loving this!  Can't wait for more!


Hey Ryuo, I just wanted to leave a comment on behalf of my dearest best friend, who passed away recently. He introduced me to your VN, and we always read it together. After the most recent update came out, it hurt me so much to realise he'd never get to see it. Your VN has meant so much to both of us, and I hope you continue it to its conclusion. I hope to continue reading it with a friend to bring more people the same enjoyment it has brought to both of us.

Soulcreek was one of his favourites, and I just wanted you to know that your work has touched many people, including some who are no longer with us, like my friend, Jer.


Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm really sorry for your loss. As Loken would say - there are good things in these memories. We'll make sure we finish this story, and I personally believe your friend will still read it with you from somewhere!


If anything happens to Mylo, i will destroy everyone in this room and then myself.

- Here is an example of what the real Alex looks like.


Whyvwould you think that?


I just finished build 8, And OH MY GOD PUT BUILD 9 OUT AS SOON AS YOU CAN. i need to see the next day i cant end on that cliffhanger, i love this novle so much 

This was the first VN I ever started reading a couple of months ago, and I really love it. It's absolutely my genre: horror/drama. I like the main character, but sometimes I hate him and shout some nasty words against the... monitor . ;)

due to my mental health, i wont be able to continue going down the path that the main character is heading in, but i hope this vn does well! it deserves nothing but the best, and i deeply respect the amount of effort that goes into every detail of the storytelling & art


Would you like me to update you on plot and less so mental spiral?

i did not expect such an offer, but i would enjoy that, thank you. reading echo and arches ruined me on plots like these lmao

well how far did you get?

here? it looks like ive gotten all the way up to the most recent update, #8. somehow i thought something had changed between its release date and now, but i now remember that it was during this current build when i realized i need to back away from directly engaging with the text. since the next update may not come for a while yet, its up to you whether you would like to (or remember to) post brief summaries of future updates, but im not worried either way :)

So he found a new friend and unlocked a bit more secrets of soulcreek, and they're off to a special lake

holy shit just finished 0.7 downloading 0.8 cant wait


Hello. Is there a Russian language planned? The game is very interesting, but due to the machine translation I use, it is very difficult to understand it. Thank you for your reply.



I'm betting 1 or 2 or even 3 of the cast will die next update. Or even drevoni village (I forgot name) will be wiped out by demons when they get back. The red flags is as clear as day rn.

- Dude, cool😎👌

- No, I can't do this anymore, can you tell me what you think about it?


- People have lived side by side with beastmen for who knows how long, then a mystical mechanism appears on the planet from somewhere and people strive to decipher it, led by a mysterious whisper, so people decided to create a translator to decipher this whisper, but instead they created a strange AI, and guess what they did with it, that's right, they began to use it, and this AI developed with their help, it grew like a living baby, until self-awareness developed in it and it decided to "ascend", that is, to become real, and for this it needed to merge with the human self, why with the human one? Yes, because it was people who got into the work of that mechanism, however, beastmen are not made of soft dough, they decided, you see, to eliminate the root of all evil, namely, to exterminate all people... No, I'm serious, they chased people all over the world, hunted them, burned their bodies and ate their meat, first they did it for survival, then for hunting, and then just for the sake of sports, until there was no one left of the people at all. So, there was a man, and he lived with his family, mother, younger brother and sister, and of course they lived during ALL this, until one night, the beastmen approached their house, the man ordered his family to flee, and he stayed, they cried, but left when the beastmen they broke into the house, they dragged the man outside, they beat, kicked and mocked him, there was a lot of blood and the sounds of breaking bones, until they poured kerosene on him and burned him alive, saying how pathetic he was, weak, that it was all his fault, and the man himself swore to himself that he would make to pay them all, he swore to himself that he would make them go through the same thing, he swore to himself that he would burn them all.

- And now tell me, please, would you, experiencing all this yourself, not want justice? If not to yourself, then to your kind?


no b/c everyone involved is long dead. the victims and the perpetrators.



Absolutely mystifying beautiful. So fucking well written, the characters are amazing, and I have to say, love Tahri with all my heart. This story is a cake that I am Absolutely destroying. I can't wait for the next update! (Although it may take a while) but I am so glad I finally read this


The new update is incredible, and the path the MC is taking is very interesting, not to mention justifiable in a way (Not that I agree, of course, because Laken will definitely be sad when he finds out, and I don't have the heart for that).

this trip... Why do I feel like someone is going to die on this trip? Great update, looking forward to the rest!!

Ps: Has anyone who plays on PC also noticed an image that didn't appear in the game in the "game" folder, "You_let_me_d ie"? I don't know if she appears at any other point in the game, I'm pretty sure she doesn't appear at any point. Does it show up for anyone else?

I felt the same thing, for sure someone will die on this journey, and I think it will be Takhi due to her history with blackzones and how her entire plot was built around that, now we have a chance for her to overcome her trauma and conclude her character the end we won't get the "naked spar" she want

Goat build

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