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I have no words, except

But seriously tho this build is an absolute WHIPLASH and got me tweakin and shi— I have never been so enraged by a To Be Continued screen, keep em coming


This is a true masterpiece!! Cant wait for more!!!


It's almost been a week since the update and my chest STILL feels heavy whenever I think about the story, so much happened and I am still processing it, my imagination is running WILD from that cliffhanger 

I have yet to finish the VN, but it's still amazing!
I actually came back to reading it after a long period of... hibernation.
The new animations and story fixes at the beginning were something I didn't know were needed, as they indeed made the VN better.

On a side note, I think I found a song that would be suitable for Loken as his theme song:

Anyways, thank you so much for your wonderful work!

Fuck umm that was intense

A true masterpiece 

I thought day 10 was cool

But man day 11 was truly magnificent 

Love the story so far

The update was nice

Waiting for the next one 

Everything was amazing




How can i donate for the project? This is so far, the best visual novel i ever had the pleasure to read.


Caralho indeed, o cliffhanger me matou.


Not once could I have ever predicted what was going to happen at the end of this build. I'm blown away. I'm feeling so many things at once. I am losing my mind at how much I enjoy this. Please, take your time with the next update. I need to see how it works out.

Okay maybe it's just me but I really didn't like loken in this update so they capture us and almost wanted to kill us and he expects of us not fighting back ? Like???


Okay, but at the same time, given what he watched, it's much more likely he felt so many conflicting emotions, not the least of which being surprised at how the matter was dealt with. I think he can be afforded some leniency, given the circumstances.


Fighting back is one thing, mindless mass murder is another. He also felt good while doing so, it's reasonable that Loken would be distraught by that.

Right, and let's not forget that it was ALEX who made the conscious decision not to tell Loken he was crashing out before the massacre, so I personally could see how Loken would be hurt.

Let's also not forget that Loken hates being lied to

Alex straight up said he was going to tell him everything 

Yet he hid such a HUMONGOUS secret from him 

Of course he will get heartbroken 

Even so he still loves Alex so as to keeping him safe on the same level as his dying friend waiting again for an update 🥲, hope the new one will come sooner, I'm starving!


That new update was crazy! This story goes so hard. The lore, the twist, the lake omg! I read The Whispers of Carmine and that made the update beyond epic. Amazing storytelling.

Deleted 126 days ago

bro, that make so much sense.


Shit, accidently deleted it but RIGHT???

Wow.... incredible update, keep up the good work



Why, Kaius?! Why?! And I had a crush you! Why would you betray us?!

And I feel so sad for the MC! I wanna hug him so bad! With Loken behind me as well! Hopefully, Nikto doesn't die though! *sniffles in tears*





But awesome chapter as always! Honestly, I don't know why this isn't popular? Maybe some advertisement is needed?

Just read the update and I've got a wild theory.

Spoilers below

In Wyatt's message he said he was going to disappoint 'it' which I believe to be demon. My theory is that the demon in question is Glitch and that's how he knows about the algorithm, byte and the spire. Cause when you think about it the pieces add up... Or I'm grasping at straws here.


What a dogdamn great update! Like, wow, I’m completely blown away 😳 the story is sooo freaking good! Amazing work, really


GOD THIS UPDATE WAS AMAZING sadly it ended in really intresting place hope next one will come out fast

ps.~love the story so far


Excellent update and plotwist!!

All I can say now is.... I'm feeling everything at the same time!


Giggling and kicking my feet right now just how this amazing this is, AHHHHHAHAHAHA~!!!!


i think he'll be down down down the road , down the witches road

anyway why Wyatt is so hot LMAO 😭😭😭


the wait was worth it, as always♥


WHY THE CLIFFHANGER!?😭😭 I swear I have read over 50 vns but this is just the best. This is so underrated, I wish it were as popular as adastra, echo or rtf.



(1 edit)

To be fair, in the dev log or update log or what ever you want to call it, he said that there wasn't a good point to leave it off, as every where would be a cliffhanger. But also very true I wish more people played it.


with every new update, the story just kept going hard


Great update. Can't wait for the next one... when it comes out 3 to 4 months later. 😿😿😿

Spoilers below

Alex in the Castle be like:


it is crazy how far it has come and how long I've just realized it's been since I downloaded version 4, which I still haven't finished by the way cause I've been getting through it in chunks where I just sit down and play, though more lately just remember it's there and play it, gonna finish that and then hold out for the final build, can't wait to see where this story I already love goes, seeing "ACT 2" was insane cause there was already so much story told, like I was thinking "gawdamn I probably downloaded this right before the final build" but nope, you are just a goddamn efficient and fantastic writer, anyway, gonna be a little annoying playing the game over again to see all the new cleanup and CGs and stuff, but I couldn't be happier that it was made even better, so a bright thing overall, anyway here ends my incoherent rambling that contains no periods, love ya, love your game, can't wait to see how it ends... or most of the game for that matter, and I cannot wait to see what you do next too if you decide to do anything





oh... maybe it was a bad idea to look at the comments rn...


the cap was incredible but...

Possible Spoilers:

why did have to be Kaius, I liked him so much... 😭😭😭😭😭😭

the thing in lake kryke, it might not be sentient, but i know its there, and i know glitch will die there

Deleted 106 days ago
Deleted 111 days ago

Update will be out at around 6pm BST, possibly a tiny bit later as I won't get home until late today!


Soul creek updateee, Can't waittt!! 😆





6 more days before i lock myself in my room

eu simplesmente tive a melhor experiência possível jogando uma V/N em toda minha vida, eu nunca me senti tão apegado, ou tenso lendo algo assim, os personagens dessa V/N me fizeram rir, chorar, eu to realmente considerando eles parte da minha família, e eu odeio que no Brasil o twitter foi cancelado, e eu não consigo acompanhar a pagina do criador, ISSO É HORRIVEL! eu amei, de coração, tudinho nessa história.

(2 edits) (-5)

i like this vn so far, but man loken his sprite is so creepy qwp the muzzle on it is waaay too small for one thing and it makes our 35ish pup look more like hes 5 month old i get its the style and the possible impacations but his side profile and other cut scenes dont look like that if its necesary for the LOOOOORREEE its already present with the other spites and i think some look great in the style but please at least think of replacing some of lokens sprites with something less human like is uncanny and he is the one we see the most of


I personally love lokens sprite becuase he looks mildly stunted which fits his backround and lore, like i know neurodivergent people dont get stunted by it but idk it makes sense in my head

(1 edit)

his sprite has started to grow on me but its still a lil creepy lol tho the only sprites i have an issue with are his forward facing ones


Yeah he is pretty crartoonishly drawn, thats why alot of animals in childrens shows never faced forward, it was kinda unsettling.

agreed qwp


I would like more scenes with Orion!




This is the best novella I've ever read, I just stand and applaud whoever came up with the plot!


This is just on of those games that I just wanna... yk? I do really enjoyed this game, sometimes I get lost in it. The illustration and audio are all so perfect forming the world, environment, adrenaline, ETC. The characters have their own personality which is very unique. I do recommend this to anyone who hasn't played. And if I could support this project I really, really, would, this game has been a roller coaster for me. So for now, I will wait patiently for the next update. I enjoy your work very much, and once I can, I would definitely support the development ASAP.

I just randomly got curious, how many builds are you expecting for completion?

He said in one of his posts he plans about 11.

but if he needs more time or more builds we wouldn't mind as long as he stays healthy

oh yeah absolutely, I would literally wait years more if I had to

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