Fundraising: Build 10 Early Paid Release later this week

Hey y’all, Ryuo here!

(tl;dr = build 10 releases later this week for $7, public free release is still 14th of April) 

Build 10 holds a really special place in my heart. I’ve been working on it almost every day for the last four months, and planning it in my head for the last three years. Sidmon and Elle have absolutely cooked, and those who’ve donated on KoFi have made all the difference. 

In the past, I’ve always released the builds to the public. When I started this project the dream was for everyone to have access to the new chapters at the same time, so everyone could discuss them and theorise without anyone else feeling left out. 

However, some serious life circumstances (both financial and medical) have made made things difficult for quite a while now. I'm not really one to discuss my issues but survival has become a daily challenge. So in the interest of staying afloat, I’m going to put a paid version of build 10 out this week! The free public release will still be on the 14th of April!

On a personal note, this is not a decision I wanted to make. It absolutely kills me and, especially with the VN so close to being finished, feels like tripping at the finish line. But life gets in the way, and the prospect of not being able to finish the VN at all is even worse. So think of this as just a way for those who don't wanna' wait to get their hands on it early!

The early build will be $7, and the content on the day will be the same as that of the public release. I’m not sure ‘exactly’ what day I’ll be able to put it up, but it’ll be Friday at the latest.

The free public release will still be on the 14th of April! The public version may have one or two extra CGs added on older days and typos fixed, but the content for day 12 won’t change.

Here’s what you’ll get in build 10!

  • Day 12 - 22k words. Although it’s slightly on the shorter side, this is easily the densest and most impactful build in terms of content by a huge margin.
  • 10 new CGs on day 12 by Elle and Sidmon, four of which are animated.
  • 5 new original music tracks - two on day 12, two added on previous days and a revised main theme (for a total of 9 tracks, with one more to come in the final build).
  • A revamped main menu.
  • A new gallery to view all the CGs in the game. These are unlocked by viewing the CGs in-game (unfortunately not save game compatible so simply start a new game and fast-skip all day 1 to 11 content to unlock every gallery piece)
  • A music room to listen to the full Soulcreek OST.
  • An extras option to read The Whispers of Carmine plus some additional lore on the Sabre War.
  • Revisions to the story on early days, which includes a new CG for day 7, a new map design for Illayla and the OST replacing some public domain music.
  • On a personal note, you also get my undying gratitude for supporting me in an insanely difficult time.

The details of the revisions made to the previous days can be found (SPOILERS) > here < (SPOILERS) Do not click the link unless you want to buy early access to build 10 and want to know what’s changed without doing a new playthrough!


Build 10 contains scenes of intense horror and gore that some readers may find disturbing!

I'll set up a separate discord channel in the Soulcreek server for those who want to buy and discuss the new build without spoiling it for others! You can also find me on twitter and bsky to get updates and previews on the project. I also occasionally do dumb streams of silly horror games!

Get Soulcreek

Buy Now$7.00 USD or more


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Just bought the update, and sent you a little something on Ko-fi that I hope helps. I'm sorry you're going through a rough time, and I can relate. Remember that you have fans that want to support you, and that it's ok to ask them for money every once in a while. You're absolutely worth every penny. 😉

I'm surprised Patreon releases weren't a thing before, but I fully support your decision, why not try selling the full Soulcreek OST online like the Keo Blau did for Dawn Chorus, I would def buy it.

(1 edit)

I'm curious if the final build will show the Soulcreek facility. I imagine everything is leading up to Alex making his way there to at least attempt to end the horror responsible for modern society collapsing, with humanity going extinct and bipeds regressing into a primitive society.

It could be Alex's way of redeeming himself for what happened earlier.


I wish I had known you had a Kofi earlier because I have wanted to support you and your project for the longest time! ❤️

You have created such a PHENOMENAL VN and have released every update for free (wow), getting to enjoy Soulcreek for the last year or so has been a gift. My partner and I are always so excited when you announce an upcoming build, and we both can't wait to read the new content together. 

While I totally respect your hestiancy in monetizing the project, as a fan of your work it's a nice way for me to be able to say thankyou. I will be donating on KoFi and paying for the early build. 😁😁 I was literally thinking earlier today "man I've got a whole extra month to wait for the update". 

 I sincerely wish you the best in regards to the circumstances troubling your personal life, I really hope things turn around for you soon. 

All the best, and again THANKYOU! 


You're too kind <3 honestly, the support means everything! It's gonna feel very weird when it's over, but onto the next thing afterwards!


I've been following this VN since the beginning, I loved every second I spent reading it. Knowing that it's coming to an end makes me happy to see how the ending will be, but very sad, because it's something that I will keep very fondly in my heart! 🥺💜


All things must end, but I'm so glad we were able to make the journey!

Maybe there'll be more journeys, though!


Great news! Is build 10 a final update?


There'll be one more update afterwards!