Build 9: The Last Human

With the increasing threat of Demonic incursions looming, Alex follows his newfound party of rag-tag Blackrunners and warriors into the Blackzone,  to find the 'Spire'. The group face a dangerous trek through Ashlander territory, and are forced to parley with some of them to reach their destination safely.

But Alex's mind is a ticking time bomb. When his sanity finally snaps, Illayla will find out what kind of monster he is destined to become.


It's here! These last three updates are really closely linked, and there's no point I could end any of them that wouldn't be considered some sort of cliff-hanger. We're in the endgame now! This day is pretty hard hitting compared to other days, probably on par with day 7, so brace yourself!

My usual huge thanks has to go out to Sidmon, Elle, Sam and Ortho for their work creating the CGs, sprites and perfecting the scripts with each update. 

Here's what's new:

  • Day 11 has been added, sitting at about 24k words. Saves should carry over, but you can start from the beginning and use the day select option that appears to skip straight to the new day.
  • New sprites by Elle!
  • New CGs by Sidmon!
  • Plenty of new audio! As always, for the best experience, play with the sound on and with headphones!
  • New music! You'll be able to hear one of the tracks from the Soulcreek OST, 'The Last Human', in its entirety. There's also snippets of two other tracks!


As Soulcreek enters its final builds, these scenes will have a stronger visual depiction. Read at your own risk. 

There are no NSFW scenes in day 11, and that also goes for all content in the last two builds as well, so content creators shouldn't have to worry about censoring anything for the new content.

What's next?

As I said, there are only two more builds left until the story finishes. The next update is going to substantially re-work the VN's previous content with some new CGs, updated writing, new music tracks plus a brand new main menu with a gallery, music player and extras (where you'll be able to read other short stories based on the VN). Build 11, the final build, will conclude the story. Both updates may be a bit shorter on the word count front, but there's still going to be plenty of content to look forward to!

And that's all!

As always, you can follow me on twitter to get updates and previews on the project. I also occasionally do dumb streams and am fairly active in the official discord server, so come and say hey!

And finally, a huge thanks to everyone to has donated on KoFi to help the project improve! It's thanks to you that we're able to include so many awesome new CGs, and we can throw loads of money to  our well-deserving artists! If you want to help support the development of Soulcreek (and perhaps future projects, hint hint), you can do so here! Any small amount makes a huge difference, and I can't stress enough how different these updates would be without it - I'd likely only be able to afford a single CG for each one! I'll make sure everyone who helps out gets a credit in the final release!

Stay safe and be kind to each other!


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This one's story sneaks up on ya, it's fantastic.


that was so peak wtf


Wow, we are near the end now. Super excited, but I can't help to already start feeling sad about it ending. It's been a long journey with this wonderful story!

I haven't played this build or the one before, but thanks for your hard work! The story and emotions it builds are sooo good.

I'm scared that only two builds are left! I feel like I have so many questions still, but I will trust that you answer the majority within the builds I have yet to play.

(1 edit) (+1)


I liked Bakara... I like sly funny characters in general. I was really sad to see her dying under the rage of Alex, even if deserved

OKAY i know she was a liar, trusted oone and stuff but damn


Nobody talk to me right now this build got me TWEAKING


That was foul bestie, give me more (but seriously, keep at it, its so good)


ahahaha daaaang that was an absolute banger of a chapter! I kept thinking it would end a lot earlier than it did, that was a very generous serving of dread and dramatics! 



The fear when I read that Byte was an AI and realized when the alarms  detected a demon,  that the alarm was not detecting byte but another thing.

Daaamn that cliffhanger


That ending  😭 

THis vn is so good I've never been so frustrated with a "to be continue"  



Im 90% sure Kaius is still Alive. He doesnt need to breathe now that Glitch is inside him right? Just like Alex


OH MY GOD, RYUO! WHY MUST YOU TORTURE US LIKE THIS WITH YOUR AMAZING STORYTELLING??? And the revelation(s), it makes so much sense now!

oh, GOD that was completely unexpected, but it make so much sense!!!! what an amazing chapter


Oh.... fuck. I did not expected that.
None of that. Truly. How...peculiar.

I....i need

Thank you, Ryuo!


What an absolute banger of an update. Kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. Simply cannot exist until the next update drops.

Glad to have scrolled down and see someone else also say it was a 'banger' ahaha

(1 edit)


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