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That was one heck of a first build! Looking forward to the rest of the story!


I love the story and keep up the good work🥰🥰🥰


Just found this gem and gotta say the writing is excellent.  Will you possibly be doing a patreon page?


really good work! thank you so much for choosing for the mc to 1. actually have a personalty, and 2.not be the copy paste white twink that every other human fvn mc is.



So much potential in this, will be definitely checking in the next update. 5/5 ^_^


Reading about the Demons, I can't help but think of the Reapers from Mass Effect. I suspect that (if they are technology), they can emit some kind of radiation that affects the minds of living things.


The blackrunners reminded me of the stalkers in the s.t.a.l.k.e.r video game series and that made me love it even more as I really like those games.  I enjoyed every minute of it and can't wait for the next update and spend more time with Loken but also find the answer to all those questions that came up, I have my theories but I have to wait.


As a first build this was very long and very good, giving plenty of time to get accustomed to the world and the characters and setting up the mystery. 

thoroughly enjoyed this build and hope to read more in the future.

p.s. byte is the little goblin AI we all need in our lives


Really enthralling tbh, already read it through twice over to make sure I got everything. The premise, world, and art are all awesome, very much looking forward to the next update. 


I really like this game, everything about it is so fun and I cant wait for next update, well done <3

(1 edit) (-2)

I'm kinda frustrated that Byte didn't try to scan the Demon's arm again, like it's right there just do it.

Overall great game.


Byte couldn't scan Loken when Alex was freaking out a little, it would be weird of byte was able to scan it while he was overwhelmed by looking at a Demon. There's no way for Byte to scan it without Alex also looking at it, which he currently cannot do. 

(1 edit)

I know that but they really wanted to know more about the demons during a part of the game and now that they have a chance to they kinda ignore it.

(1 edit)

It's explicitly stated that Alex cannot learn more about the Demons without further training or suffering as a result. It would also be weird pacing wise to just already be figuring stuff out about one of the key points of intrigue of the story on build one. 

Wouldn't scanning it be the best way to understand it and figure out what's it's doing that causes such a reaction so they can better handle it. If Byte couldn't do anything during the panic attack he should have made that more clear, or maybe come up with a plan (dulling all of our senses maybe) or discuss it shortly and say they shouldn't mess with it unless Loken said so than just outright ignore it completely.

Imo, it wouldn't cause any pacing issues, it's just figuring out what the Demons are doing to us, it can still be made ambiguous if it's magic, science or whatever.


Hello creator. It doesn't seem you're replying to any of the comments here, but I thought I'd throw this out if you ever decide to reply. This might be sort of spoiler, and you might not want to answer this, but I just wanted to ask — will the MC ever get to top in this game? Warnings mentioned sexual activity, so the stuffs probably gonna be in the game, but before I get invested into the game, I just wanted to get this out of the way just in-case it wasn't an option. If it wasn't, this game just wouldn't be for me. I'm fine with having options/taking turns etc. bottoming and topping, but I can't play a game with the MC 100% bottom. Again this might be a spoilers, and you might also just decide not to answer, but thank you for reading this!


This was a topic of convo in the discord server, but the short answer and I quote: "There's currently no plans for him to, for a number of reasons."

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Eh, that's a shame. I only played the first 20 minutes of it, but really liked the writing. Hope everything turns out alright, and everyone enjoys it. Good luck creator, this is some good stuff you've got here


Unfortunate, but not surprising or much of a dealbreaker imo. An option to skip those scenes (when and if they do come) to some extent would be nice though, assuming there's no essential characterization in the lewd scenes. If not, it's fine anyway, just a matter of personal preference for the most part.


Holy shit, I gotta say, I love this one.
My main issue with most of the other VNs where you kinda "stranded in another World" kind of theme, is that they always feel like a Stockholm Simulator xD
Thats why I liked Blackgate so much before it's fall.
This one actually feels really "Realistic" and logical.

Please keep up the good work! You are doing wonderfully.
It's already way better Story wise then Some of the others like Adastra and FBTW imo


I like the story and how the world is built \(@^0^@)/

super Roman Bravo long live the rest of the adventure.


What an amazing first build, you have something special!!


I really liked the game 


This jump right into my top 3 favs


This. Game. Is. SO FRICKIN' AWESOME! You really made a good job and you already have a fan!


You know... I wouldn't mind a few guys taking turns with me at Indulgence, although I know our overprotective husky wouldn't allow it that (not that I care about that personality type), but that begs the question: How does the Illayla's world see homosexuality? Also, the only thing I didn't like about the game was the "tooth story"...

I don't know, I felt kind of sad...

But, besides that, thanks so much for making this game! You're awesome! You have all my support and admiration, which doesn't seem much, but is genuine! Believe me!


I got to say the story is beautiful. The characters and how they act, the background and lore and hell IT EVEN HAS FUNNY MOMENTS HERE!!!! I love how you do this story its spontaneous. I hope you continue the story I really do.

(1 edit) (+4)

How do I monetarily support you? Is there any way? I know you said this is a non-commercial project, but it's so good that I want to support you in some way! The visuals, the writing, the story, the audio (!!!), and (particularly important for visual novels) the pacing is just perfect. All of it is perfect. This is top tier stuff, Ryuo!


Really enjoyed this, really funny and love the sarcasm. Hardly any vn's where you play a human like this which is great! was getting tired of playing games and you play a character that is always needing help and is delicate and has to be looked after.  Such a great change having a human you play with a fun attitude and does not need baby sitting.  Great job! cant wait for the next update you got my full support with this.


Wow, that was very captivating! I couldn't stop playing and got the (current) end in one go :)


Very interesting world, looking forward to see the Automonks and the Dark Lands. Also, the Infliction, the apocalypse and Byte are all quite intriguing! Looking forward to finding out more there!

The characters are all polished, i loved Aeyon, Byte and the tribeswomen!

The relationship between Loken and the main character is just heartwarming. You can tell they both need each other! I love how Loken wants to improve his speech after being a lone wolf (almost) his whole life. His protectiveness is so cute :D

Please continue this amazing project and you will have a follower forever <3

Don't feel the need to rush anything tho :)


soo good i neeeed moooore


The absolute chokehold this vn has on me already. You should consider a patreon for this game I'd definitely donate!

(2 edits) (+1)

I have to say everything about this is tastefully done. Instantly a favorite of mine and it just released. Also I absolutely adore Takhi and I feel she deserves more roses for being awesome. Definitely watch out for this one, there's a ton of potential here.



I have a lil theory, the lack of hunger and the not needing to breathe, is it a side affect from being in suspended anim for 500-1000 years? Like did Alex's body, for lack of a better word, evolved to those standards?

I thought so too but later another weird thing was revealed about the mc, and this one can't be explained away like that. 

(2 edits) (+1)

Finally a unique story. Post-apocalyptic,post-human, furries and a probable android hive mind, and really good atmosphere and world building. I hope the creator continues, since i think more people will find this and be indulged in it as i have.


I'll just leave my prayer here.

For the love of all good VNs, PLEASE, do not rush the romance for the sake of the smut. The "romance" rn is in a good spot and developing well, but Byte has been pushing the subject so hard I feel like the nsfw is bound to happen in 2/3 days, and that scares me.


This aside, the story is really well written and delivered so far. I loved the part with the demon training, it was so well done, really sold how terrifying those things are and also made the pieces fall in place, explaining why the blackrunners doesn't talk about them to the people and the people don't want to know about them, this is amazing world building!

I really like the story so far, Im looking foward for more of this VN.

VNs that don't include NSFW as early as possible are usually not that long lived, unfortunately. I really do hope it's not gonna fail tho


Absolutely in love with this VN... when is the patreon gonna start, I wanna jump on and support this project! 


this vn is very interesting, i am so much in love with it!! Loken is super cute i might draw him a fanart later ❤️


Dang, another FVN that's way better than it should be, and now I gotta wait months for an update.

It's got a really bizarre combination of ideas and tropes that somehow just works and makes for an interesting world that I'm genuinely invested in learning more about. The characters are all distinct and likeable with the interactions staying consistently fun and engaging while simultaneously giving out exposition at a steady pace. I personally love the vulgarity, especially when it gets typed out in an English accent. It cracks me up! It also makes the speech sound more casual and natural, and contributes to keeping the the tone light and entertaining. It doesn't feel like it's getting bogged down by taking itself too seriously.

I wasn't totally sure what was going on with the backgrounds at first, but after seeing a few of them I came to like them quite a lot. They've got a dream-like quality to them that lines up with the vague existential threats looming over everything.

Anyway... basically, I'm sold.


Super interesting setting and great characters. Soulcreek grabbed my attention and didn't let go. Promising start, can't wait to see more! 


I may not be the biggest fan of the mc x huge furry canine trope and all the horniness that comes with it, specially early on in the story, but everything else is pretty incredible to me thus far, the setting is very compelling, particularly the cosmic horror element which makes future expeditions into the blackzones something truly scary and exciting, and the characters are very likable as well, to the point I can't quite tell if I'm more invested in the relationship between MC and Loken, or his relationship with Byte, which is a type of relationship I didn't even know I wanted to read, but it's super charming to say the least.

Other than that, I can't quite remember the last time I played through such a lengthy first release in a FVN, and with it being so engaging all the way through, so I'm very surprised and happy to have such a good story to read from now on.


At first, I thought this was going to be another Adastra or FBtW. The similarities were there at first; human in furry world, big wolf man, and not being able to speak, but that's when I was pleasantly surprised. You had the choice to speak up or not and I really liked that you could. This VN is so amazingly written and the pacing is absolutely perfect. The art is also really smooth and I am really enjoying the history and setting of this story. This is definitely one of my favorite, if not my most favorite VN that I've ever read. This build introduced us to so much of the story and kept me entertained throughout the whole time. It was a lengthy first build which was a really pleasant surprise. I can't wait for the next update. Keep up the amazing work!


BROOOO You have me hooked, I just have to know where the story goes!!


This is simply AMAZING


Soulcreek is AMAZING! \>_</ I could flood the comment section with praise and it'd still not do this VN justice! INCREDIBLE! n_n BRILLIANT! ^///^ writing, visuals, pacing, everything is OUTSTANDING!!! \>o</


Absolutely phenomenal start! Definitely already an instant favorites amongst VNs! 

 Probably the best FVN with"Human with amnesia" trope. It's just so damn interesting, the concept of tribal civilization living using the remains of the old. Not the newest idea, but still executed well.  And Apex, ohoho, Alex is great. Can't wait to read the future builds, uncover the truth about MC's past and, of course, see his relationship with Loken develop. 

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