Build 9 release date announced!

Build 9 will be released on the 25th of October! It's gonna be a heavy one, so brace yourself!

In the meantime, if you want to enjoy all the juicy lore to its maximum, make sure to read the Whispers of Carmine and the info on the Sabre War! It is, of course, not essential reading and you won't miss out by skipping these little extras, but you might just get some extra context and make some fun connections for certain things to come!

Get Soulcreek


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I'm so excited for this and it's awesome it's coming out the day after my birthday! Soooo excited!!

Can't wait!

i'm incredible anxious rn to watch such a masterpiece, all of the VN is perfectly made, to the finest details, i hope this project go on for much longer, and OMG this cover and the last sections are going on a way i was hoping so much to go!

PASSING OUT RIGHT NOW! I can't wait! Thank you to the people who made this wonderful VN!



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Damn, Ryuo, If only all VN creators were as passionate about their projects as you are. Love the game, can't wait to see what you cook!

Edit: of course, hats off to Danielleclaire, Sidmon and Sam as well! You guys do a marvellous job!