Cool stuff!

Sup. Ryuo here.

Just sharing some cool stuff we made that came out pretty neat - Soulcreek themed desktop backgrounds! Feel free to use!





The mobile version has no text to avoid interfering with apps on screens.

In other news, build 7 is currently in the editing/programming stage so the wait won't be too much longer. It's not been an easy start of the year for me so progress has been slow, and I don't want to put a definite release date just in case anything else crops up. However, I've got a long break from work so I'll be able to focus on getting the update ready full time over the next couple of weeks. So expect an announcement soon!

Build 7 will contain 2 NSFW scenes, both of which are optional. It still has heavy story elements, but it's the final update I'd consider 'chilled out' before the story starts the run up to its climax. It'll sit at roughly 23k words, depending on how the editing process goes.

In total, there will be 11 builds - so five more updates to go. Build 10 will also come with a big re-vamp, final edits to the original story, new CGs added to old scenes and the addition of an entirely original soundtrack.

In the meantime, come join our Discord  here and say hey!

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normalise not giving realease dates!! take care of yourself >:3


Is that Glitch in the background? 


Oh damn I just noticed it. That's really cool.




Really cool :P


We appreciate all the things you are doing. There's no rush, just take your time, and remember to take care of yourself too.

Big love from your fans!